2. Use your index finger and write a large "A" in the air out in front of you and at the same time say out loud the number "1".
3. Now use your index finger and write a large "B" in the air out in front of you and at the same time say out loud the number "2".
4. Continue writing the letters in the air and saying the numbers out loud as far as you can go or until the end of the alphabet.
Extra Challenge: Alternate saying the letter and then the number.
I had a few students get to Z and were at the number 24 or 25. This is a problem since there are 26 letters in the alphabet. It was probably about a quarter of my students were able to get all the way through in the 1 minute activity. For another challenge, have them write the letters in the air with their weak hand. This idea is from Aaron Rowe.
To find more Energizing Brain Breaks go to http://www.energizingbrainbreaks.com/
There is a book and DVD available with 50 Brian Breaks.
Brain Breaks are such a great idea! I've had to use them many times when I'm trying to write a story or an article at home, and the way they work by engaging my brain without hurting it is just phenomenal! Much better than just lazing around for five minutes as a break! Mind if I backlink?